Friday, June 10, 2011

Design Philosophy; A Lifetime in the Making

What is my design philosophy?  How many times has someone asked me that question?  After 37 years of following my passion to beautify the world one room at a time, I have come to this conclusion "Function Follows Form".  I know, I know you may think I have it backwards, but this is about MY design philosophy.  If it isn't great looking, I don't care how comfortable it is.  Don't misunderstand me, I want things to last and work well; I just won't give the item an opportunity if it isn't visually smashing first.

While attending a conference the keynote speaker defined "Good Design" in a most effective way.  His definition mirrors my own.  Good Design has to make sense, or to reference my blog "cents".  While affordability is always nice, sometimes the best solutions cost the most.  That being said, it is always cost effective to make the right choice first, than it is to settle for the wrong choice, discard, and then get what should have been selected originally.  No matter how beautiful an item is, if it doesn't meet the needs of the client, it is bad design.  A beautiful sofa that no one can sit on comfortably is as big a mistake as an ugly sofa that fits like a glove.  Know what matters to you and your client and your results will never dissappoint you.

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