Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Elementally Principled

Design is art; art is design.  Art is suppose to have no rules, but is that really so?  Sometimes you walk into a room , a yard, a structure or space of any kind and something is wrong.  When this happens somewhere a rule of design has been violated.

In the effort to construct buildings more efficiently, simplicity rules.  A view may not be deemed important and architectural detailing may have been scrapped to save the bottom line.  What is missing may be something to give the space a presence.  This is known in more simple terms as a "Focal Point".  When a focal point is absent, creating one will give the space the personality it lacks.  Drapery treatments, wall color, or a terrific piece of furniture are all possible solutions.  Now the gloves come off and the rules are set aside to make your room come alive.


Do you let your spouse, parent or friend help you hang your art when you acquire it?  Are you around to Mark The Spot for the chandelier as it is being installed?  Have you ever moved into a home and found the light switches are exactly where your china should sit, or in the best location for an entry mirror?  Proper proportioning for ideal locations is the key.  Understanding when a picture is hung too high or out of balance to the space is critical to a visually appealing room.  Chandeliers should not dominate the table nor be hung too high above it.  54' to 60" centered over the table, but not necessarily centered in the room are ideal.  The room opening will dictate how to make the best visual decision. 


Is your room a random act or does it flow in "Three Part Harmony"?  Variety in design is sometimes referred to as eclecticism.  That is a very abused term.  Being eclectic does not mean that any leftovers from your relatives and garage sales put into the same space will result in showing your individuality. Well actually it may show it, but not have the intended effect. Carefully selected furnishings that are usually classic in their lines create the most successful eclectic rooms.  This requires careful planning, known in the design world as a Master Plan.  When one accomplishes the marriage of bringing favorite things together in a unified finish,  "Harmony" has been achieved.  My favorite part?...It is different every time.

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