Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Right Direction

It is always good to not lose your way.  Often things occur that were not in our original path.  In the words of John Lennon, "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans".  At 58, I ask myself, why would I need a portfolio now?  What purpose would it serve?  Sometimes all we need to do is look around us and the answers are right there.  I am a designer, it is and has been my life long passion since I was 12 years old. Now I also teach.  Maybe what I can do is create a portfolio with a body of work experiences I have had personally (both good and bad), and how I have used what others taught me along the this journey called "Designing".  The changes have been huge.  I mean the changes have been really HUGE!  In 1974 there were no computers in classrooms, but the first one found it's way to where I held my first job.  It was the size of a small refrigerator.  There were no ramps for the wheelchair bound citizens.  Mini blinds had not yet been invented.  My, it does sound like I must be really old, but I am still in the prime of my career, and with the economy as challenging as it is, I may be at the midpoint of my career.  So as you can see, much may have changed, but I have changed too.  My portfolio to you will be to communicate how that has actually been an advantage to me, and not a handicap.  Stay close, and come along.

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